- Question of
When you diet, you tend to be:
- Slightly unfocused
- Slow and steady
- Far too overwhelmed
- It’s either all or nothing
- Question of
How would you describe your feelings towards your health?
- I don’t really have time to focus on my health with everything else going on in life
- I am very consistent and always have a well thought out routine, I like to be prepared
- I like to learn about what works well for me as I go on
- I tend to live in the moment
- Question of
How would you best describe your eating habits?
- I do try to eat healthy, but from time to time I do like to indulge depending on the occasion
- To reach my goals I am willing to eliminate foods from my diets if I need to
- Food is a big thing, I love cooking and using various foods
- Due to my lifestyle, I am always on the go and need something quick and easy
- Question of
What is your main reason for wanting to diet?
- I decided to overindulge on the weekend and need to start the week fresh
- Due to being at risk for some serious health issues such as heart disease and diabetes, I want to make some permanent changes
- Due to my busy lifestyle I want to keep an eye on what I eat so I don’t eat as much junk
- I heard about a new diet and wanted to see if it works for me
- Question of
How long do you generally stay on a diet?
- I do a good job at starting one, but I’m not very good at sticking to one. A special event usually is a great help at keeping me on track
- I stick to a strict diet until I have successfully reached my goals. I then would set maintenance goals
- I tend to stick to one for a week or two or however long I have prepped meals for
- As I barely have time to eat, I really don’t have time to diet either
- Question of
What are your attitudes to physical activity?
- I have a gym membership, so I am always at the gym
- I find the best workouts online and do them in the comfort of my own home
- I try new things every week
- I walk between meetings, if that counts
- Question of
When dieting, what do you tell yourself?
- Hopefully, this time it will finally be it!
- I still need to do more research on diet plans to find one that will work
- I will do whatever it takes to do this
- With my schedule I don’t know if I will have enough time to do this
- Question of
What is your preference on flexibility, when dieting?
- Structure is useful, but losing weight is easier if I research and produce a good diet plan to follow
- I really don’t like to think about it, I like everything set out for me
- I don’t need the flexibility if I see the results, I like to have meals planned in advance to make the process easier
- I try my hardest to stick to the program I have already started, but I tend to have foods that I like if I crave them
- Question of
What are your dietary needs?
- Main focus is to lose weight
- High blood pressure
- Gluten free
- Low carbs
- Diabetic
- Menopausal

QUIZ: Are You Ready to Lose Weight? Let’s Find Out!