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What would be the ideal amount of weight you would like to lose?
- 5-10 lbs
- 10-20 lbs
- 20-50 lbs
- Over 50 lbs
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Are you male or female? (As a male and female’s body would respond differently fitness and diet changes so they would require specific solutions.)
- Male
- Female
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What is your age category?
- 20s
- 30s
- 40s
- 50s
- 60s
- 70+
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Which goal sounds more relatable to yours?
- I want to add muscle and achieve a toned body
- I want to burn fat and achieve a slimmer body by getting fitter
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Which statement best describes your energy type in your day-to-day life?
- I often feel drained, it Is hard for me to concentrate and I am usually always hungry
- I am a hard worker and feel anxious/stressed most of the time. This often causes me to skip meals without realising and I barely get sleep at night
- It depends on the way my day is going. I generally feel good and positive however, if I get stressed out or upset then my eating, sleeping schedule also gets messed up
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Often for people there are specific challenges that gets into the way of fitting fitness into their daily lifestyle as well as getting shape. Which statement is most relatable of holding you back?
- I have difficulty on getting motivated and to exercise consistently
- I get discouraged by not achieving the results I am hoping for
- Due to a medical condition/injury I cannot exercise how I want to
- I have a busy lifestyle to fit in exercise in my day-to-day life
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When do you tend to start eating and finish eating in your day?
- I tend to start eating before 9am and finish eating after 8pm
- I don’t really eat anything before 10:30 or 11am
- It depends on my day, some days I start eating early and other days I eat a lot later
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Which strategies have you already tried to lose weight, that have given you good results?
- Working out for long periods of time
- Working out more during a session
- Working out with a lot more intensity
- All of those above
- I haven’t really tried any of the above as I do not do a lot of exercise
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In a typical day what do you generally reach for at lunch?
- Sandwiches and subs
- Salads, meats and meal deals
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For weight loss, exercise is a crucial factor. If you already exercise, what kind of exercise do you typically do?
- I tend to do weightlifting
- My exercise is playing sports
- I like to get my exercise by walking either outside or by using the treadmill
- I exercise by doing cardio
- I get my exercise at home without any equipment by doing yoga, sit-ups etc
- I’m not really doing much exercise
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Diet is also a very important factor when It comes to losing weight. How often do you eat meals in a typical day?
- I tend to skip at least one meal a day
- I never skip a meal and usually have snacks in between
- Sometimes I skip meals and at other times I eat all 3, it depends on how busy my day is