- Question of
Do you have a specific reason for wanting to lose weight?
- Yes, I know exactly why I want to lose weight
- I don’t have a specific reason; I just have an urge
- I haven’t thought of a specific reason
- Question of
Do you believe you can achieve your weight goals?
- I feel like I am in control of being able to achieve the weight I desire
- At certain times I feel like I have no control on whether I can achieve the weight I desire
- I never feel in control of achieving the weight I desire
- Question of
From previous experience, how would you best describe your dieting process?
- I believe that it is possible to shed my unwanted weight fast, without problems
- I believe that losing weight will take time and will not always be easy
- I haven’t had enough experience in the past to make a judgement
- Question of
What is your relationship with food like?
- Food is everything, I enjoy the food I eat
- I have hit and miss experiences with food
- I’m not the biggest foodie
- Question of
How would you best describe your attitudes towards exercise?
- I have a well thought out plan to incorporate exercise into my life and don’t really mind it
- I know that I need to be more physically active, but I do not know how to incorporate it into my routine
- I haven’t thought of an exercise plan as I don’t really enjoy it
- Question of
How do you best describe your feelings about yourself?
- Overall, I like the way I am
- I don’t really have a positive outlook on myself
- I genuinely don’t like the way I am and want to change that
- Question of
Do you have a support system in your life to help achieve your goals?
- I have a very good support system in the form of family, friends etc and can speak to them about my weight issues
- There are a few people to support me, but I could really do with some more
- I feel like there really isn’t anyone I can speak to about my weight loss concerns and goals
- Question of
Do you feel like you have your life ‘organised’
- My work and personal life is organised enough for me to make my weight management a priority
- Due to my work and personal life, I struggle to make my weight management a priority
- Due to my work and personal life it is impossible for me to make my weight management a priority
- Question of
How do you intend to track your weight loss progress?
- I will always keep track physically of my progress towards my weight-management goals
- I will track here and there, but I generally know what I’m doing
- I have no intention to keep track of my weight loss
- Question of
How committed do you think you are?
- I am determined to lose weight and to maintain it
- I hope to achieve my goals, but I know there is a possibility of a set back
- I doubt I can reach my weight goals, yet I will still try my best

QUIZ: Have You Got All The Right Pieces in Place to Lose Weight?