How Yoga Can Help Weight Loss

Yoga that is regularly practiced can influence weight loss, but now in the way we see pounds being shredded by physical activity. Although yoga burns fewer calories than your typical exercise it is a great way to increase your energy and to regulate your mindfulness, so you can be more careful and aware with the calories you are taking in, what you are eating and how to improve some of your choices. Being more aware of what you are doing will encourage you to go for the healthier choices which would lead to weight loss and avoid the foods that will just pile on the weight and leave you feeling sluggish. Yoga can help with energy intake and reduce stress which could influence a person to want to eat more.

Intense yoga poses

There are various types of yoga poses out there, to burn more fat and lose weight you can incorporate poses that are more intense and faster rather than the slow more relaxing poses. Start off by doing the mountain climber pose for about a minute or two and try to take your time for it be effective. Then try the plank pose this will steadily increase your heart rate and before you know it you’ll start to feel the burn.

De stress

Being all stressed and flustered all the time really doesn’t help you with your case of losing weight, which would just increase your stress hormones. Yoga regulates your breathing and keeps those hormones in check as well as helping your digestion. Keeping calm will automatically keep you positive and will motivate you to lose that weight in general putting too much pressure on your body and constantly worrying about certain things is nit good for your mental health. Yoga will be your best friend to avoid this as it is a great way to de stress.


Yoga is a great tool to help contribute to your body having a good detox, as yoga can really help boost your circulation which would help it to get rid of any waste from the body’s system this would mean that your body can absorb all the nutrients from the food that has been consumed a lot easily and use those nutrients to provide the body with more energy.

Try hot yoga

Put yoga and heat together and it will help you lose more body fat than with just yoga on its own, not only is it good for your heart but it contributes to your weight loss. The heat works in a way to have a positive effect on your metabolism.

Look into the different types of yoga

As mentioned before there are many types of yoga that you can try, some you can start off as a beginner with and some for the more advanced some include; Ashtanga, power yoga, Hot yoga, gentle yoga, hatha yoga, integral yoga, Kripalu yoga. Ashtanga yoga is a more vigorous style of poses, it includes the same series of poses during a sequence, so it would be easy to get the hang of. Power yoga- A popular style, which builds on the intensity of Ashtanga with other fixed poses. These are just some of the examples that you can try as well as looking to some more.


Yoga strengthens your muscles and tones abs

Holding those yoga poses aren’t easy as it requires you to put your muscles to use, yoga gradually improves your strength and flexibility. Yoga will help you to effectively use your muscles to their full potential, which would lead you to get out the most of your workout. Yoga not only strengthens your muscles, but it also tones your abs. Certain yoga poses requires you to focus on the core which would lead to you strengthening your abdominals. This can help in your weight loss. Certain yoga poses focus on your stomach and your ab muscles which improve blood circulation and digestion that can firm any excess fat.

An aerobic exercise

As you are doing postures that you hold for a period of time rather than short bursts of energy it is considered a form of aerobic fitness training, this can aid with your weight loss as you are using more energy to keep the body going, and you are slowly burning those calories off.

Better sleep

Yoga can impact your sleep in a very positive way, as it can improve the quality of your sleep. You may notice that you have deeper sleeps and find it easier to sleep when practicing yoga and as mentioned before sleep really can contribute to your weight loss. Lack of sleep can cause a change to your hormones that can regulate appetite and hunger which would lead you to just eating more. Having a good night, sleep will keep you feeling energised and fresh during the day and will also increase your productivity.

Try to get into a good routine

Getting into a good routine with some effective yoga poses and sequences will really contribute positively to your weight loss journey, as constantly doing them will encourage your body to work effectively and eventually will lead to that excess weight being lost.

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